Friday, January 28, 2011

Lesson's from a Pre-K Coach

Encourage: I'm proud of you all
Guide: Go for the ball, it's not gonna hurt you
Effort: Rebound! when you miss, try to rebound
On Winning: We're all winners, it doesn't matter.
Lesson: We're out here to the learn the game.
Thanks for giving back to our kids, coach. We appreciate you. 

(Andrew, in green t-shirt under red jersey.)

Eiffel Tower of Pizza!

"Look, Mom, I have something to show you." Andrew points to the placemat on the kitchen table which is a world map with famous places illustrated on it.
Pointing, "Here's the Eiffel Tower of Pizza!" (i.e. the leaning Tower of Pisa)
"Are you sure it's called that, Andrew?" I ask.
"Yes, but, the Eiffel Tower of Pizza doesn't really make pizza."
I ask, "It doesn't?"
"No, it makes mac'n cheese! hahahaha!" (Big big belly laugh from Drew)
"Where did you learn about that?"
"Dr. Dugan-smart on Phineas and Ferb wanted to destroy the tower on TV."

Andrew excited about his "funny" moment,
wanted to draw the famous Eiffel Tower of Pizza
that makes mac'n cheese

Oh my... please, Dr. Dugan-smart, don't destroy the Eiffel Tower of Pizza! Where would we get our mac'n cheese?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Angel Kisses

Andrew asks Mom: do you like your freckles?
Mom: Yes, dear. But, I wish I had worn more sunscreen like you do when I was your age!
Andrew: I don't have any freckles.
Mom: That's true. That's a good thing.
Andrew: But, my teacher told me that freckles are angel kisses. I don't have any angel kisses.
Mom: Oh, well, perhaps your angel doesn't wear any lipstick, so she can't leave any freckles.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basketball weekend!

Andrew plays basketball.... #5 (Bulls, red jersey with green shirt under.)

Andrew's treasures

happy happy kid

flying fun with nathan

It's good to be 9. Paper airplanes and moms are still "cool". : ) 

Boys take over mom's lap top... take mom captive

Today's Headlines: crazy-eyed boy captures mother and smallish boy & takes captives up to planet Zanathan for strange science experiments and forces smallish boy (we'll call him Andrew) to jump on pogo stick for 79 days. The end. (note: story and photo by nathan, 9, andrew, 5, & happy mom, 30-something)