Thursday, November 6, 2014


Nathan and his friends get ready trick or treat 
Dr. Eclipse- he came up with the name and costume. He's not picky- coat was from last year's Einstein's costume. 
Massive bag of candy !! 

Andrew's 9th birthday

Got a new bike! 

Terry Fox Run November 7

Run at ISKL Melawati for cancer research 
Drew ran hard and fast-- super cute to watch the kids run laps and get excited about doing good! 

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Putra jaya skate park, KL

Walking. Eddie 
Deepavali At school
Skype with Tory at University of Arkansaa 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 2014

hike with cub scouts- he's a bear this year! (drew is in the middle with the grey cap & blue shirt)

Shopping on a weekend in KL (never a good idea!) but fun 
No photos please, he says 


After treatment - a very tired boy

Skateboarding is how the boys spend most of their free time

 boys to Jump street 

School picture day :) 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Andrew August 2014

3rd grade, snack time at school 
Walking to bus stop in morning. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back to school, August 2014

Andrew begins 3rd grade, Mr. Graves ~ happy kiddo