Sunday, January 31, 2010

derby Car Race

Derby car race Friday night. honorable mention. no worries, said best part was spending time with his dad. there's evidently quite an art to making a wooden car go fast! (a huge manual... study up for next year.)


building a pillow train this morning... : )

Saturday, January 30, 2010

on mute

Nathan, Nathan!

What mom?

Have you heard a word I've said? (after telling him what I thought was a very interesting story about detectives!)

No, sorry Mom. I've had my brain on mute.

Oh. : )

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wisdom teeth

Nathan: Mom, (from Nathan), is there such a thing as "wisdom teeth"?

Me: Yes Nathan there is. (enter big long explanation of teeth, possible extraction, etc.)

Nathan: Well, are they really smarter than the other teeth? (realize he was not listening to my explanation, only wanted to know if they were smart or not...I'm still learning differences in male/ female communication!)

Me: Nathan, do your teeth have brains? Can they think?

Nathan: Well, if they are really smart, then yeah, maybe?

It's good to be a kid-- just figuring life out. : )