Sunday, January 18, 2009


Andrew, aka spider man. 
More photos of spider man on His Kid's 
Preschool blog. They update it daily with photos and what his class does in school every day. If you want to keep up:

Drew at his gymnastics class- they all got medals at the end of the quarter. He finally got into it and enjoyed it by January! So, we did re-enroll! : ) 

Spring 09

Nathan's playing basketball (no 10) this season- his first time to play and already making baskets-- he's on a team with slightly younger kids but so far, I'd say it's been a confidence booster. He's happy to play! 

Nathan learned how to ride his bike over Christmas break!  Whaho! Now there's no stopping him... even with 2 skinned elbows! He's riding to school everyday with his best buddy, Josh across the street. Never been happier! It's good to be a kid.

Opening gifts at our house with my Dad, Marcee and Aunt Paula... Christmas never ends here! : ) The boys were in heaven!