Friday, November 30, 2007

Andrew's Birthday

Andrew enjoyed a great 2nd birthday! Jason had the day off, so we spent the morning having pancakes, opening presents, then playing in his new pirate wadding pool. Then, we took Nathan and Andrew to Kidzports to play followed by dinner at their favorite restaurant, Chili's (yes, we have that in KL!). Then, the next day, we had some cupcakes at our regular kid's Bible club playgroup. Nathan was happy as he couldn't understand why we didn't invite all of Andrew's friends over for a party! : )

Last soccer game of season for Nathan

Nathan played soccer on Saturday mornings this fall. He's really coming along as a player- he doesn't like to practice, but he loves to play an actual game!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

China October 2007

Day 6 & 7: We enjoyed Xian the most- the city is so interesting- surrounded by a city wall with 13 gates. You can ride a bike all the way around the city- (we took a pedicab with the boys). In Xian, we also saw: The Bell and Drum tower (14th century) (not much to see, but it was right across the street from our hotel with great views from up top.) The Wild Goose Pagoda (houses ancient scriptures from India from the 7th century), the forest of stone tablets (literally large stone tablets with ancient writings carved in it- world's first dictionary--you can actually touch- amazing!) They'll even sell you rubbing from it. We also visited the Great Mosque- while not unique to us living in a Muslim country (KL), it was the most interesting part of town- it's surrounded by market streets with food stalls and other bargains. (City's total population is 6-8 million, compared with Beijing which is over 13 million, depending on who you ask.)

China October 2007

Days 6 & 7: One of the wonders of the world-- really it is incredible to see. They weren't discovered until 1974 when farmers were digging a well. There are more than 8000 soldiers buried in Qin's tomb (this emperor made these life size warriors to protect himself "in his next life"). He also buried all the workers alive in the tomb to protect the secrets of the grave and prevent grave robbers. There are still much left to be excavated, but they've stopped because they're trying to figure out how to preserve their color. In 1974- the painted warriors were very colorful- now all the color is completely faded.

China October 2007

Look closely-- do you see it?! A starbucks! Boy were we pleased! : ) Latte anyone?

China October 2007

Days 4 & 5: In Shanghai, we explored the modern city- which is cut in two by the Huangpu River-- a financial district & busy shopping area (modern) and The Bund (along the river) where we took a river boat cruise. We also saw a fantastic acrobatic show one evening- think Asian version of Cirque du Soleil - only less theatrical.

China October 2007

Jason had a vision that the train would be much more relaxing, for some reason... and bigger! But, alas, it was a tiny compartment with four beds that felt like you were sleeping on boards! But, it was adventurous overnight ride and one of Nathan's most memorable parts of the trip. (After almost 2 hours of trying to coax Andrew to sleep on the first night on the train, I finally put him in the pack and play (crib)- which just barely fit!) On our way to Shanghai!

China October 2007

Day 3: The Great Wall at Mutianyu, supposed to be one of the best places to view the wall, since it's 90KM outside of the city, fewer tourists go here. The souvenir stands are a bit touristy- but the wall itself - is amazing with beautiful views of the mountains. We took the cable car up (forgoing the one hour climb!) First built in the 6th century- it's the longest grave site in the world. We did take turns carrying Drew in our backpack-- did I mention he's 34lbs now!? Nathan loved climbing up- he was ready to go further but...

China October 2007

Day 2: The Temple of Heaven (built in 1400's) was used for imperial sacrifices to please the gods so they could have good harvests. It's basically a big park. Locals can buy a season ticket for cheap and go year round. The women pictured are doing fan dancing- very common to see women/men in parks from sun-up to about 9am doing all kinds of exercising- tai chi, fan dancing, something else that looks like what we'd call line dancing, etc. Great people watching here!

China October 2007

Day 2: The hutong (alleyways) and courtyard houses of Beijing. We took a bicycle (pedicab) ride around and then had lunch in one of the homes there. A bit odd- since the family served us but wouldn't eat with us. Unfortunately, the government is destroying most of this area in the past few years preparing for the Olympics. The yellow thing Nathan is on- is an outdoor exercise park- all kinds of calisthenic-type contraptions that you see people using to exercise in parks all over the city.

China October 2007

Day 2 (first day was travel day): We were able to take an amazing and exhausting trip to China with our boys. We covered 3 cities in 8 days, taking the train to each city. It's a short flight from KL, unless you do it the hard way like we did with connecting flights which took us a day to arrive in Beijing- even with no time change!
Here we are in (Beijing) Tiananmen Square by the flag poles with our backs to the Gate of the Heavenly Peace (the Forbidden City). Tiananmen square is a busy public square where locals gather to fly kites and tourists come by the hordes (it's peak tourist season- on the heels of the summer Olympics in Beijing 2008- and thankfully, reduced pollution in preparation for it.) Locals also visit Mao's tomb- with long lines every morning and the Great Hall of the people is located here (government buildings). The Gate of Heavenly Peace is considered a national symbol- built in the 15th century (Ming dynasty)- Only the emporer could use this central door (gate) and is guarded by 2 stone lions (lions are common at entrances everywhere-- representing fertility and power). The Forbidden City (called this because it was off limits to commoners for 500 years) was facinating to explore.

August 2007

Andrew is one feisty character! He got a hold of a pen and within moments, drew all over his legs. We didn't realize the extent of the drawings until we put him in his high chair for dinner! That face! He makes the most expressive faces!! This is a common one- when it's something he doesn't like or want to do...

Summer 2007

Last stop: Santa Fe! We so enjoyed the cooler weather and a relaxing visit at my dad & Marcee's home. By this point in the summer, the boys were pretty wiped out with traveling all summer-- but we still managed to keep them busy- Nathan went to a day camp where he took a few golf & tennis lessons and got to play, play, play all day-- his favorite thing!

Summer 2007

Asheville, NC- at a cute little tea shop. I got to visit my sweet friend Kristin and stay at the Groove Park Inn- a true girl's spa weekend! Soooo nice to indulge! (We had fun-- too bad everyone thought we were a couple! Ha! And poor Kristin nearly got a concussion after hitting her head at the spa...) More adventures to come next year!

Summer 2007

We took a quick trip to Oklahoma City where my Aunt Paula (Dad's sister) now lives. There's a beautiful lake near her home, and the boys enjoyed running around.

Summer 2007

Next stop: Dallas! The boys and I were able to make a few trips to Dallas this summer. Craig & Tricia have 4 busy kids: Britney (at Pearce HS, in honors classes, cheering & now driving!!), Tory (at North JR High and also cheerleading & gymnastics), Holly (absent from the photos this time, but so adorable- and excels in all she does), & Blake (soon to be 4 and super cute!) We got to have a great visit with them all, including Mom.

Family Camp Summer 2007

This was our 3rd year at Family Camp-- The boys loved it-- no TV, no toys-- just rocks, sticks, hills to climb and water to swim in. It's tiring with 2 kids (did I mention the stomach virus we all got and passed on to the Smith family?!) - but we love it! Plus, we get to catch up with our friends from our home church in Katy, Texas.

Summer 2007

In June, we traveled back to the US from Kuala Lumpur. First stop: Houston! Highlights: celebrating Nathan's birthday (again! since it's in April!), time in Glenn & Karen's pool (a surprise water gun fight- to Nathan, Marly & Adam's delight! Jason, Glenn & Erick got into it, for the kid's sake, of course!), and visits with Jason's grandparents, Mimi and Din Din. A lot of time was spent at the doctors for Andrew but praise God, the tumor that was found in his left arm was benign. It will require some monitoring in the future, but we feel so blessed to know all is OK.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

After months of not posting photos, I'm back on track... Here's the latest of Nathan ("ninja-pirate") and Drew (cowboy) in their Halloween costumes. Drew "helped" me pass out candy to the trick or treaters and Nathan went around with his friend Christopher and Liam in our gated community. There were not very many homes that participated but still too much candy! Nathan decided himself, that he should have one piece a day. (I was going to be more generous!) One more Halloween event to go at school tonight- all of the classrooms will be handing out candy with games for the kids. Nathan cannot wait!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Drew loves school! When I say it's time for school, he says "OK" and takes my hand and walks to the door. So cute! There are four other children (from left to right in photo), Ki (Japanese/American), Pete (?, not pictured), Anna (German/American), and Vary (Scottish). "Teacher Corinne" (pictured below in his classroom) is just great- she comes up with a lesson plan for every day. This past week, they had a different color as the theme for each day: blue, yellow, red... He knows the colors red and blue well now. They also have a pet turtle in the class- he's getting more gentle with it. The first day he picked it up and tossed him on the floor. His favorite things to do in class and at home is "draw pencil" and "read book".

Friday, May 25, 2007

The boys love to swim in our frigid pool! (Yes, it's really cold in our pool!) It only gets about 2 hours of sunlight a day, if it's not a cloudy day--
They're excited about swimming when we come "home" this summer!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Photos of our frequent neighborhood visitors. Monkeys are a big issue here with more and more of their habitat (i.e. jungle) disappearing around us to build more and more condos. They were on our roof. The photos show our neighbor's balcony. The basketball hoop in the top left photo is the front of our home. We never thought that we'd be giving Nathan a talk on how to behave around monkeys.

We live just a few blocks from Mont Kiara International School. We walk every morning. We pass a hawker stall on our way- they sell Nasi Lemak for breakfast & sometimes lunch (rice cooked in coconut milk and wrapped in banana leaf with either spicy fish, beef curry or chicken inside), served with a side of cucumbers and boiled egg. Yum. (Well, Malaysians think it's yummy-- it's the unofficial national dish here.) Andrew rides in my backpack to take Nathan to school. Here we're heading off to take Andrew to his first day of preschool. : )

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Andrew, no longer a baby, a big boy now. Loves to ham it up- laugh and be chased around by big brother, Nathan! He likes to sit on big chairs, put things inside of things, color (scribble) and have anything he's NOT supposed to have. He often drops toys into his daddy's briefcase which Jason finds the next day at work. He's still pretty attached to his bottle of milk, four times a day, and has not adjusted to big people food as well as I'd have hoped (is pizza a food group?!So far that's his favorite!). All in all, he's an absolute delight- loves to give hugs and blow kisses.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nathan had a blast today at his 6th birthday pirate party! It was hot-- around 38C or 100F- HOT! In spite of the heat, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Living in Malaysia, we've had an unwelcome guest in our pool for about a year and a half... a monitor lizard! The nearly 2 foot lizard has been gone for about six months now. He's either: on holiday at our neighbor's pool, squashed in the road somewhere, or maybe he's grown so big that he's stuck in our pool drain!?! Anyway, we're just glad he's gone and hopefully found a new home! (Jason's sister-in-law, Shelly, is a fantastic graphic artist. She illustrates books in Houston, Texas. Thanks for the drawing, Shelly!)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Nathan's says he's one of the best artists in his class... and I have to agree! He's really enjoying drawing these days... his drawings all seem to have either a pirate or space theme lately.

We just returned from Sigapore (Jason on the river walk at night & boys on bus tour of the city) where we spent Easter holidays. It's a very clean, modern city with tons of shopping and great food. We also went to Rider's Lodge (photo in bottom left corner) just ouside of Johor, Malaysia. Nathan was able to take a few riding lessons while Jason played golf. The boys really enjoyed themselves! And, Jason and I got to take turns relaxing a bit at the spa.

Nathan's birthday party at school today was a big hit! We enjoyed some warm chocolate cake while all his classmates said what they liked about him.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The boys at a friend's birthday party this weekend. Nathan's favorite place to eat because it has a swing set outside. Andrew's new pose is upside down... Hard to believe they are 17months and nearly 6 years old now.
Nathan is gearing up for his 6th birthday. It will be a pirate birthday party at a park. He's so excited, counting down every day. Andrew also likes to wear the pirate hat and especially a green baseball cap these days.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The boys in their favorite spot

Andrew and Nathan enjoying the "big" chair. Andrew loves to "sit, sit" in any chair. He thinks he's as big as Nathan. We visited a preschool for Andrew this week, and he will be begin there a few mornings a week beginning 24 April until we return to the states for summer holidays. There are 4 other children in the class; Andrew the youngest. Nathan is busy at school reading chapter books now- and so proud of it! You can find him every morning from 5:30am onwards listening to books on tape/cd in the kitchen eating a breakfast of cereal (with milk!) and yogurt. He's growing up...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hi all! We're trying out using a blog to keep everyone posted on what's happening in KL (Kuala Lumpur)! Hopfully making it easier to share photos of the boys with everyone. Will load some more soon!


Melissa & family