Friday, November 30, 2007
Andrew's Birthday
Last soccer game of season for Nathan
Sunday, November 4, 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
China October 2007
August 2007
Summer 2007
Summer 2007
Summer 2007
Summer 2007
Family Camp Summer 2007
Summer 2007
In June, we traveled back to the US from Kuala Lumpur. First stop: Houston! Highlights: celebrating Nathan's birthday (again! since it's in April!), time in Glenn & Karen's pool (a surprise water gun fight- to Nathan, Marly & Adam's delight! Jason, Glenn & Erick got into it, for the kid's sake, of course!), and visits with Jason's grandparents, Mimi and Din Din. A lot of time was spent at the doctors for Andrew but praise God, the tumor that was found in his left arm was benign. It will require some monitoring in the future, but we feel so blessed to know all is OK.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
After months of not posting photos, I'm back on track... Here's the latest of Nathan ("ninja-pirate") and Drew (cowboy) in their Halloween costumes. Drew "helped" me pass out candy to the trick or treaters and Nathan went around with his friend Christopher and Liam in our gated community. There were not very many homes that participated but still too much candy! Nathan decided himself, that he should have one piece a day. (I was going to be more generous!) One more Halloween event to go at school tonight- all of the classrooms will be handing out candy with games for the kids. Nathan cannot wait!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Photos of our frequent neighborhood visitors. Monkeys are a big issue here with more and more of their habitat (i.e. jungle) disappearing around us to build more and more condos. They were on our roof. The photos show our neighbor's balcony. The basketball hoop in the top left photo is the front of our home. We never thought that we'd be giving Nathan a talk on how to behave around monkeys.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Andrew, no longer a baby, a big boy now. Loves to ham it up- laugh and be chased around by big brother, Nathan! He likes to sit on big chairs, put things inside of things, color (scribble) and have anything he's NOT supposed to have. He often drops toys into his daddy's briefcase which Jason finds the next day at work. He's still pretty attached to his bottle of milk, four times a day, and has not adjusted to big people food as well as I'd have hoped (is pizza a food group?!So far that's his favorite!). All in all, he's an absolute delight- loves to give hugs and blow kisses.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
We just returned from Sigapore (Jason on the river walk at night & boys on bus tour of the city) where we spent Easter holidays. It's a very clean, modern city with tons of shopping and great food. We also went to Rider's Lodge (photo in bottom left corner) just ouside of Johor, Malaysia. Nathan was able to take a few riding lessons while Jason played golf. The boys really enjoyed themselves! And, Jason and I got to take turns relaxing a bit at the spa.